Sunday, 17 April 2011


Well I'm trying to figure out a way to put Penny to bed.  Last night she slept in her cage, she had everything she needed but I still had to take her out at 5am for her to do her thing.  Tonight however I think she's had enough of cages so guess where she will be spending the night, with me in my bed of course, I would have done that on the first night but you see in my house we have more than Penny I also do some cat rescues so you can imagine, I had many felines in my bed and I did not think it fair for Penny to spend the night with a half dozen felines.  But tonight is the big test, will tell you all about it tomorrow, right now Penny is sitting on me as I am writing this, I took her out for the night she did number one but not number 2 I waited quite awhile for her to do this but it did not happen, so hopefully I will not find number 2 in my bed along with all the felines and Penny sitting in it, oh my I hope not.  I should be going to bed right now but I feel like a coward, I have to face it so good night, if anybody reads this you will think this lady is crazy, well I guess I am a bit nutty but I do love animals, gotta go, a demain!