Sunday, 24 April 2011

Saturday with Penny

Week 2, Penny is a wonderful little beagle, so full of life, she loves the outdoors, spends lots of time on my balcony with her toys, watches the birds, the cats and anything that moves outside.  Penny had her first shot of Revolution today, the vet suggested I give it to her for the summer you never know with the mosquitoes coming on soon I wouldn't want her to get sick.  I start work next week and I'm worried about leaving Penny alone for a whole day, I will let you know how it goes, she will not be caged I don't believe in cages for animals but she will be in one of my bedrooms with all her toys, all the water she can drink, no food though, I feed her twice a day, once in the morning and once at night the vet told me that a dog was happier when it was hungry and not full all the time I have seen this in my own body so I believe it, you know the feeling when you eat too much and feel full that feeling you have that you're gaining weight, makes you depressed, dogs are the same I guess, anyway no overfeeding for my Penny, I want her to be healthy and live a long and happy life with me at her side.  Well not much to report today, changed her harness because it was all shrivelled and torn, they exchanged it no problem, my grandson came over to get some of his things, he had moved out in January to live with his mother, I miss him dearly but he needs a firm hand not my old and weak one, he's 25 years old, does not hold down a job, has no friends and drinks too much, he lives like a hermit, he likes the outdoors, the animals, the forest, and anything that nature has to offer.  I'm worried that he will never have someone to love or children one day?  Only time will tell, he has to get a job first, anyhow Penny is chewing on some paper and making a big mess, I will get back soon.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Day 6 for Penny

I got a new raincoat tonight, my mom was tired of trying to keep me dry, it's been raining for 3 days now, some wet snow too, I guess it's the shaking that made her get the coat for me.  I hope she doesn't buy me rainboots we'll see.  Tonight I visited the people that used to own me, I was really glad to see all my friends and they sure barked a lot at me they were so happy but I was glad to get out of there I did not know if she wanted to take me back and I was worried for awhile but she didn't it was just to buy me a coat and some toys, that rope thing that I can play with and some teething bones probably because I nipped my dad tonight before supper, he got mad at me and made me get off the couch and he scolded my mother as if it were her fault, well she argued with him saying that I am just a baby and that I'm teething and his hand got in the way, I also started chewing on towels and blankets and things, that's why my mom got me good stuff to chew on, hope it works for me, well gotta go now check out my new raincoat in the picture above, I tried on lots of woolen sweaters but they did not stay on my back tight enough and she said she will hurry up and finish knitting me one.  Good night for now, xoxoxo Penny

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Day 5 for Penny

Wow I slept until 7am this morning, felt good to stay in a warm bed with my mom, I think I will like my new family.  I went outside about 3 times this morning spent a few hours on the balcony I was tied up of course but my mom stayed with me for about an hour and watched me from the window for the other hour, I guess she doesn't trust me she is always watching over me like I was a baby, I'm 5 months old after all and in doggie years that is not a baby.  My dad took my mom out to dinner tonight and my mom put me in the bathroom all alone with my food water and toys and she closed the door, I'm afraid I had to go to the bathroom and went on the floor, when she came back a few hours later I was full of you know what, she did not even scream at me she picked me up even though she had on a her good coat and pants and took me outside after wiping me off.  I guess good moms do that sort of thing, I will try and do better next time.  Now I'm sitting on the floor playing with an apple, I thought it was a rubber ball but when I found out I could bite into it I found it tasted really good, I guess they must be good for me else my mom would not give me one.  I only have an hour left and then we're off to bed, so I will say good night, all that fresh air today made me sleepy so I will get back to you tomorrow, bye for now I love everybody today...

Monday, 18 April 2011

Penny's 4th Day

What a nice day it was, my mom bought me a new harness and leash today, and oh some teething bones.  She tells me I will be visiting the vet on Thursday at 10:15am, wish me luck.  I'm getting used to the house and moving around more now, I still don't go up and down stairs but who can blame me with all those felines watching me like I'm a bird.  My dad still thinks I'm too quiet and I keep trying to tell him I'm just a baby and I spent 3 months in a cage, oh they let me out for walks and things but still the cage was my home for most of my life, I've been free for 4 days now, I'm beginning to go outside and I like to chase things, I'm very alert and very regular what more could you want dad?  Anyway today my mother is very tired I know she is an older mom she's 68 and it's a good thing I was good today, she tells my dad that her back is sore, I sure hope she is better tomorrow.  That's it for now not much to tell, I will be spending the night in my mom's bed and I like that, I feel more happy when I'm next to her, I will get back to you tomorrow, hope it's nice and sunny because the grass is really wet now and my feet get cold, my mother is knitting me a sweater because it's so cold at night hope she doesn't make it that hot pink that I see her playing with, give me green or brown anything but pink.  See you tomorrow...

Penny day 3

 Well last night Penny spent the night in bed with me, no more cage I said and I keep my word, when I entered the bedroom all the cats were on the bed and watched as I put Penny on my side of the bed by my pillow, she quickly took to the bed of course but decided to put her head under the blankets, the younger (6 month old kitties) were curious so they poked the thing that moved under the blanket.  I on the other hand was trying to read my book luckily I have a spray bottle on my night table, so glad it had water in it.  By the time 5AM came around I woke Penny up to bring her outside, she did not wake me I woke her nervous I guess, I know accidents do happen.  So I tiptoed out of the bedroom made my way across the living room, the hall and down the stairs with Penny in my arms as she does not go down stairs alone, does not walk on my floor either remember, I dressed her warmly and we wandered outside, it was pitch black out there kind of scary but not to Penny she was up on her back paws wanting to run so you can imagine at 5am my not wanting to run, I'll be 68 tomorrow and will not start running at my age but I do walk fast.  It did not take long for Penny to relieve herself and I picked her up to go back inside she is always reluctant to do so, I guess Beagles are a little bit stubborn and I'm beginning to find that out, don't mind though I'm a bit stubborn myself.  So that was my first night with Penny in my bed episode, nothing too exciting, all was well and I decided to stay up to make my husband's lunch.  Will be back later on today to tell you about Penny's first Monday with us.

Sunday, 17 April 2011


Well I'm trying to figure out a way to put Penny to bed.  Last night she slept in her cage, she had everything she needed but I still had to take her out at 5am for her to do her thing.  Tonight however I think she's had enough of cages so guess where she will be spending the night, with me in my bed of course, I would have done that on the first night but you see in my house we have more than Penny I also do some cat rescues so you can imagine, I had many felines in my bed and I did not think it fair for Penny to spend the night with a half dozen felines.  But tonight is the big test, will tell you all about it tomorrow, right now Penny is sitting on me as I am writing this, I took her out for the night she did number one but not number 2 I waited quite awhile for her to do this but it did not happen, so hopefully I will not find number 2 in my bed along with all the felines and Penny sitting in it, oh my I hope not.  I should be going to bed right now but I feel like a coward, I have to face it so good night, if anybody reads this you will think this lady is crazy, well I guess I am a bit nutty but I do love animals, gotta go, a demain!